Rohan Verma

Learning Machine Learning and other programming stuff

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Data Aggregation and Group Operations

Categorizing a dataset and applying a function to each group, whether an aggregation or transformation, is often a critical component of a data analysis workflow. After loading, merging, and preparing a dataset, you may need to compute group statistics or possibly pivot tables for reporting or visualization purposes. pandas provides a flexible groupby interface, enabling you to slice, dice, and summarize datasets in a natural way.

GroupBy Mechanics

Hadley Wickham, an author of many popular packages for the R programming language, coined the term split-apply-combine for describing group operations. In the first stage of the process, data contained in a pandas object, whether a Series, DataFrame, or otherwise, is split into groups based on one or more keys that you provide. The splitting is performed on a particular axis of an object. For example, a DataFrame can be grouped on its rows (axis=0) or its columns (axis=1). Once this is done, a function is applied to each group, producing a new value. Finally, the results of all those function applications are combined into a result object. To get started, here is a small tabular dataset as a DataFrame :

In [10]: df = pd.DataFrame({'key1' : ['a', 'a', 'b', 'b', 'a'],
   ....:                    'key2' : ['one', 'two', 'one', 'two', 'one'],
   ....:                    'data1' : np.random.randn(5),
   ....:                    'data2' : np.random.randn(5)})
In [11]: df

data1 data2 key1 key2
0 -0.204708 1.393406 a one
1 0.478943 0.092908 a two
2 -0.519439 0.281746 b one
3 -0.555730 0.769023 b two
4 1.965781 1.246435 a one

Suppose you wanted to compute the mean of the data1 column using the labels from key1. There are a number of ways to do this. One is to access data1 and call groupby with the column (a Series) at key1 :

In [12]: grouped = df['data1'].groupby(df['key1'])
In [13]: grouped

pandas.core.groupby.SeriesGroupBy object at 0x7faa31537390

This grouped variable is now a GroupBy object. It has not actually computed anything yet except for some intermediate data about the group key df[‘key1’]. The idea is that this object has all of the information needed to then apply some operation to each of the groups. For example, to compute group means we can call the GroupBy’s mean method :

In [14]: grouped.mean()

a 0.746672
b -0.537585
Name: data1, dtype: float64

If instead we had passed multiple arrays as a list, we’d get something different :

In [15]: means = df['data1'].groupby([df['key1'], df['key2']]).mean()
In [16]: means

key1 key2
a one 0.880536
two 0.478943
b one -0.519439
two -0.555730
Name: data1, dtype: float64

Here we grouped the data using two keys, and the resulting Series now has a hierarchical index consisting of the unique pairs of keys observed. Regardless of the objective in using groupby, a generally useful GroupBy method is size, which returns a Series containing group sizes :

In [23]: df.groupby(['key1', 'key2']).size()

key1 key2
a one 2
two 1
b one 1
two 1
dtype: int64

Iterating Over Groups

The GroupBy object supports iteration, generating a sequence of 2-tuples containing the group name along with the chunk of data. Consider the following :

In [24]: for name, group in df.groupby('key1'):
   ....:     print(name)
   ....:     print(group)

data1 data2 key1 key2
0 -0.204708 1.393406 a one
1 0.478943 0.092908 a two
4 1.965781 1.246435 a one
data1 data2 key1 key2
2 -0.519439 0.281746 b one
3 -0.555730 0.769023 b two

In the case of multiple keys, the first element in the tuple will be a tuple of key values :

In [25]: for (k1, k2), group in df.groupby(['key1', 'key2']):
   ....:     print((k1, k2))
   ....:     print(group)

By default groupby groups on axis=0, but you can group on any of the other axes.

Selecting a Column or Subset of Columns

Indexing a GroupBy object created from a DataFrame with a column name or array of column names has the effect of column subsetting for aggregation. This means that :


are syntactic sugar for :


Grouping with Dict and Series

Grouping information may exist in a form other than an array. Now, suppose we have a group correspondence for the columns and want to sum together the columns by group :

In [38]: mapping = {'a': 'red', 'b': 'red', 'c': 'blue',
   ....:            'd': 'blue', 'e': 'red', 'f' : 'orange'}

Now, you could construct an array from this dict to pass to groupby, but instead we can just pass the dict.

In [39]: by_column = people.groupby(mapping, axis=1)

Data Aggregation

Aggregations refer to any data transformation that produces scalar values from arrays. The preceding examples have used several of them, including mean, count, min, and sum. Optimized groupby methods :

Function name Description
count Number of non-NA values in the group
sum Sum of non-NA values
mean Mean of non-NA values
median Arithmetic median of non-NA values
std, var Unbiased (n – 1 denominator) standard deviation and variance
min, max Minimum and maximum of non-NA values
prod Product of non-NA values
first, last First and last non-NA values

To use your own aggregation functions, pass any function that aggregates an array to the aggregate or agg method :

In [54]: def peak_to_peak(arr):
   ....:     return arr.max() - arr.min()
In [55]: grouped.agg(peak_to_peak)

data1 data2

a 2.170488 1.300498
b 0.036292 0.487276

Column-Wise and Multiple Function Application

As you’ve already seen, aggregating a Series or all of the columns of a DataFrame is a matter of using aggregate with the desired function or calling a method like mean or std. However, you may want to aggregate using a different function depending on the column, or multiple functions at once. Fortunately, this is possible to do. you can pass the name of the function as a string :

In [61]: grouped_pct = grouped['tip_pct']
In [62]: grouped_pct.agg('mean')

day smoker
Fri No 0.151650
Yes 0.174783
Sat No 0.158048
Yes 0.147906

If you pass a list of functions or function names instead, you get back a DataFrame with column names taken from the functions :

In [63]: grouped_pct.agg(['mean', 'std', peak_to_peak])

mean std peak_to_peak
day smoker

Fri No 0.151650 0.028123 0.067349
Yes 0.174783 0.051293 0.159925
Sat No 0.158048 0.039767 0.235193
Yes 0.147906 0.061375 0.290095

With a DataFrame you have more options, as you can specify a list of functions to apply to all of the columns or different functions per column. Now, suppose you wanted to apply potentially different functions to one or more of the columns. To do this, pass a dict to agg that contains a mapping of column names to any of the function specifications listed so far :

In [71]: grouped.agg({'tip' : np.max, 'size' : 'sum'})

tip size
day smoker

Fri No 3.50 9
Yes 4.73 31
Sat No 9.00 115
Yes 10.00 104

Returning Aggregated Data Without Row Indexes

In all of the examples up until now, the aggregated data comes back with an index, potentially hierarchical, composed from the unique group key combinations. Since this isn’t always desirable, you can disable this behavior in most cases by passing as_index=False to groupby :

In [73]: tips.groupby(['day', 'smoker'], as_index=False).mean()

day smoker total_bill tip size tip_pct
0 Fri No 18.420000 2.812500 2.250000 0.151650
1 Fri Yes 16.813333 2.714000 2.066667 0.174783
2 Sat No 19.661778 3.102889 2.555556 0.158048
3 Sat Yes 21.276667 2.875476 2.476190 0.147906

Apply: General split-apply-combine

apply splits the object being manipulated into pieces, invokes the passed function on each piece, and then attempts to concatenate the pieces together. Returning to the tipping dataset from before, suppose you wanted to select the top five tip_pct values by group. First, write a function that selects the rows with the largest values in a particular column :

In [74]: def top(df, n=5, column='tip_pct'):
   ....:     return df.sort_values(by=column)[-n:]
In [75]: top(tips, n=6)

total_bill tip smoker day time size tip_pct
109 14.31 4.00 Yes Sat Dinner 2 0.279525
183 23.17 6.50 Yes Sun Dinner 4 0.280535
232 11.61 3.39 No Sat Dinner 2 0.291990
67 3.07 1.00 Yes Sat Dinner 1 0.325733
178 9.60 4.00 Yes Sun Dinner 2 0.416667
172 7.25 5.15 Yes Sun Dinner 2 0.710345

Now, if we group by smoker, say, and call apply with this function, we get the following :

In [76]: tips.groupby('smoker').apply(top)

total_bill tip smoker day time size tip_pct

No 88 24.71 5.85 No Thur Lunch 2 0.236746
185 20.69 5.00 No Sun Dinner 5 0.241663
51 10.29 2.60 No Sun Dinner 2 0.252672
149 7.51 2.00 No Thur Lunch 2 0.266312
232 11.61 3.39 No Sat Dinner 2 0.291990

What has happened here? The top function is called on each row group from the DataFrame, and then the results are glued together using pandas.concat, labeling the pieces with the group names. The result therefore has a hierarchical index whose inner level contains index values from the original DataFrame.

Quantile and Bucket Analysis

pandas has some tools, in particular cut and qcut, for slicing data up into buckets with bins of your choosing or by sample quantiles. Combining these functions with groupby makes it convenient to perform bucket or quantile analysis on a dataset. Consider a simple random dataset and an equal-length bucket categorization using cut :

In [82]: frame = pd.DataFrame({'data1': np.random.randn(1000),
   ....:                       'data2': np.random.randn(1000)})
In [83]: quartiles = pd.cut(frame.data1, 4)

The Categorical object returned by cut can be passed directly to groupby. So we could compute a set of statistics for the data2 column like so.

Pivot Tables and Cross-Tabulation

A pivot table is a data summarization tool frequently found in spreadsheet programs and other data analysis software. It aggregates a table of data by one or more keys, arranging the data in a rectangle with some of the group keys along the rows and some along the columns. Pivot tables in Python with pandas are made possible through the groupby facility. DataFrame has a pivot_table method, and there is also a top-level pandas.pivot_table function. In addition to providing a convenience interface to groupby, pivot_table can add partial totals, also known as margins. Returning to the tipping dataset, suppose you wanted to compute a table of group means (the default pivot_table aggregation type) arranged by day and smoker on the rows :

In [130]: tips.pivot_table(index=['day', 'smoker'])

size tip tip_pct total_bill
day smoker

Fri No 2.250000 2.812500 0.151650 18.420000
Yes 2.066667 2.714000 0.174783 16.813333
Sat No 2.555556 3.102889 0.158048 19.661778
Yes 2.476190 2.875476 0.147906 21.276667
Sun No 2.929825 3.167895 0.160113 20.506667
Yes 2.578947 3.516842 0.187250 24.120000
Thur No 2.488889 2.673778 0.160298 17.113111
Yes 2.352941 3.030000 0.163863 19.190588

We could augment this table to include partial totals by passing margins=True. This has the effect of adding All row and column labels, with corresponding values being the group statistics for all the data within a single tier :

In [132]: tips.pivot_table(['tip_pct', 'size'], index=['time', 'day'],
   .....:                  columns='smoker', margins=True)

size tip_pct
smoker No Yes All No Yes All
time day
Dinner Fri 2.000000 2.222222 2.166667 0.139622 0.165347 0.158916
Sat 2.555556 2.476190 2.517241 0.158048 0.147906 0.153152
Sun 2.929825 2.578947 2.842105 0.160113 0.187250 0.166897
Thur 2.000000 NaN 2.000000 0.159744 NaN 0.159744
Lunch Fri 3.000000 1.833333 2.000000 0.187735 0.188937 0.188765
Thur 2.500000 2.352941 2.459016 0.160311 0.163863 0.161301
All 2.668874 2.408602 2.569672 0.159328 0.163196 0.160803

Pivot_table options :

Function name Description
values Column name or names to aggregate; by default aggregates all numeric columns
index Column names or other group keys to group on the rows of the resulting pivot table
columns Column names or other group keys to group on the columns of the resulting pivot table
aggfunc Aggregation function or list of functions (‘mean’ by default); can be any function valid in a groupby context
fill_value Replace missing values in result table
dropna If True, do not include columns whose entries are all NA
margins Add row/column subtotals and grand total (False by default)

Cross-Tabulations: Crosstab

A cross-tabulation (or crosstab for short) is a special case of a pivot table that computes group frequencies. Here is an example :

In [138]: data

Sample Nationality Handedness
0 1 USA Right-handed
1 2 Japan Left-handed
2 3 USA Right-handed
3 4 Japan Right-handed
4 5 Japan Left-handed
5 6 Japan Right-handed
6 7 USA Right-handed
7 8 USA Left-handed
8 9 Japan Right-handed
9 10 USA Right-handed

As part of some survey analysis, we might want to summarize this data by nationality and handedness. You could use pivot_table to do this, but the pandas.crosstab function can be more convenient :

In [139]: pd.crosstab(data.Nationality, data.Handedness, margins=True)

Handedness Left-handed Right-handed All
Japan 2 3 5
USA 1 4 5
All 3 7 10